Which Group Recommends Review Criteria for Medical Staff Membership?

As more than cases of the novel coronavirus were existence confirmed in her boondocks, Liz Bernich felt an urgent demand to assist the medical professionals in her community and others who were putting in long hours caring for an increasing number of patients.

The mother from Chatham, New Jersey, also felt concern for many small-scale eating place owners struggling financially due to the pandemic.

A few weeks ago, when she saw a friend share a Facebook mail service about ordering nutrient from small-scale restaurants to feed medical staff, she was struck with an idea. Bernich wrote up a Facebook mail of her ain, request friends if they would exist interested in altruistic money to be spent at local restaurants on food that would be delivered to local hospitals.

The response she received was overwhelming.

Staff at the Morristown Medical Center enjoy a meal delivered by their local FLAG group.
Staff at the Morristown Medical Center savor a repast delivered by their local FLAG group. Liz Bernich

With funds in hand — sent to her PayPal account by others who wanted to assist — Bernich reached out to her local hospital, Morristown Medical Heart, to enquire what they needed. She quickly learned that night shift workers had the virtually hard time finding food during their shifts due to limited cafeteria hours.

"Information technology must be so tough to work all night long in the dark with their patients and try to keep their spirits up," Bernich told TODAY, adding that she decided to make lunch and late-evening dinner deliveries to the facility to adapt all shifts. "I talked to a nurse in the hospital who said to get a warm, yummy meal simply brings and then many smiles."

Faced with a substantial need in her customs, Bernich started a local Facebook group for residents of Chatham to donate. Presently after, Gina McGuire, who lives in the neighboring town of Madison, New Jersey, reached out to Bernich. The two partnered up and created the Front Line Appreciation Group (FLAG) of Chatham and Madison to serve medical personnel in both towns.

Now, the Facebook group has over 3,500 members. As word of the team's efforts stared spreading on social media, people in other towns started to attain out to Bernich and McGuire, asking how they could aid their ain neighborhood medical facilities.

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Bernich said she now helps back up more than xxx FLAG groups, or like groups which operate nether different names, in several states, including Arizona, N Carolina, Tennessee, Florida and Minnesota. That'due south in improver to multiple New Bailiwick of jersey-based chapters, all dedicated to bringing coin into modest restaurants to feed medical personnel.

Thousands of members have joined their local FLAG Facebook groups as the momentum builds: A Cranford, New Jersey, group boasts more than 2,000 members, and one of the most recently launched groups, located in Primal Florida, already has more than than 600 people wanting to help.

Liz Bernich with her partner, Gina McGuire, making a food drop-off at the Morristown Medical Center emergency room.
Liz Bernich with her partner, Gina McGuire, making a nutrient drop-off at the Morristown Medical Center emergency room. Liz Bernich

Hither'south how the groups work. Those who wish to donate may visit the website Bernich created that allows people to search for their own local FLAG chapter and make a fiscal contribution. If a FLAG group doesn't exist in your expanse, Bernich and her team offer instructions on how to get-go i. Each FLAG affiliate has their own guidelines for getting involved, and primarily communicates needs and volunteer opportunities through Facebook groups.

For Bernich's FLAG chapter, donations are accepted via PayPal, Zelle, Venmo and checks. Bernich says her squad has contacted every eating place in their expanse that has remained open during the wellness crunch and found out which eateries wanted to be involved.

"Our goal is to ensure they (the restaurants) don't lose any money on the meals we're asking them to prepare, and hopefully brand some money just at to the lowest degree go on their employees decorated and doors open up," said Bernich. "Our orders are upwards to 190 servings for luncheon and dinner so the payment to them is significant and helpful for keeping their lights on."

To get the food from local restaurants to the various medical facilities, Bernich and her volunteers coordinate orders with the health care centers' assistants teams. They started out by taking orders directly from specific medical units with staff members who were overwhelmed and had difficulty taking time abroad from their assigned shifts. Now, they inquire for a headcount for each department to ensure they're ordering the right corporeality of food. Every few days, they bank check in with the infirmary to run into if they need to adjust how much nutrient is being delivered.

Bernich's team is now delivering meals twice a day, every day: a lunch delivery in the afternoon and a mid-evening drop-off for those working the dark shift.

Monica Toomey and her team of Michigan-based FLAG group volunteers.
Monica Toomey and her team of Michigan-based FLAG group volunteers. Monica Toomey

To date, Bernich says FLAG of Chatham and Madison accept ordered from 35 local restaurants; that's over $33,000 worth of nutrient. The grouping has also collected $110,000 to engagement.

"They've helped us serve over 5,100 meals," she added. "All since March xx when I first posted on Facebook about the idea."

Members of all FLAG groups are encouraged to follow the appropriate social distancing measures: Near food is dropped off to one contact at a facility and taken in by an authorized staff member. Restaurants are also asked to provide food items that are not messy and simple to eat, so busy medical staff can swallow on-the-become without spilling. Meals must also exist individually portioned to avert the spread of germs.

"Everything is boxed upwardly and set to become by the eating house," Bernich explained. "The deliveries are generally fabricated by restaurants, who are operating under strict sanitary guidelines."

Bernich said her groups feeds all types of front line workers, including doctors and nurses in hospitals, also equally urgent intendance employees and those who staff COVID-19 testing centers.

The need has simply continued to abound every bit the virus spreads.

Monica Toomey founded a FLAG group in Michigan after hearing about Bernich's work, and said she has been amazed at the gratitude and appreciation her team has received from both restaurants and medical staff.

"You tin feel (infirmary employees') appreciation even through their masks," said Toomey. "And the eatery owners are incredibly grateful too. They want to help their employees keep their income and recognize this as a win-win."

As the owner of a pocket-sized restaurant in Madison, New Jersey, Gino Iossa of Rocco's Tuscany Bar and Grill, said he was eager to give back to the medical community.

Gino Iossa, owner of Rocco's Tuscany Bar and Grill, with food prepared for medical workers by his restaurant staff.
Gino Iossa, owner of Rocco'southward Tuscany Bar and Grill, with nutrient prepared for medical workers by his eating house staff. Liz Bernich

"We want to give as many medical staff members as possible the fuel and support needed to help them stay strong and healthy during this crisis," said Iossa. "As a small-scale concern owner, I'one thousand grateful to have the opportunity to work together with my community to help fight and overcome COVID-19."

Staff from the coronary care unit at Morristown Medical Center show their appreciation for their meals from FLAG.
Staff from the coronary care unit at Morristown Medical Middle testify their appreciation for their meals from FLAG. Liz Bernich

Trish O'Keefe, the president of Morristown Medical Center, said seeing the customs rally around her team of wellness care providers has been a gratifying feel.

"I've always known that we accept the most astonishing, resilient and compassionate team here," said O'Keefe. "To meet our community donate meals and supplies, and show signs of appreciation for what we do has been incredibly encouraging for everyone."

Every bit the pandemic continues, Bernich said that she and McGuire, along with their entire team, program to go on supporting those on the front lines by continuing to provide them with the fuel they need to get through each shift.

"They are so troubled by the difficulty of this virus," said Bernich. "If we tin can have ane thing off their plate and keep them loved and fueled, that'southward the least we can exercise."


Source: https://www.today.com/food/flag-group-supports-medical-staff-restaurants-pandemic-t177194

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